Friday 17 July 2015

Wood carving show and competition in Stratford, PEI - July 2015

Some photos from the he annual PEI Wood Carving Show and Competition that took place on the 18th and 19th of July at the Stratford Town Hall. There were fewer entires compared to the previous years but still quite a few neat things to see. Click on the ''read more'' to see the photographs.

This amazingly done carving won both ''People Choice'' and ''Carvers Choice'' awards.
It is done by Clarence Gallant:

Bill MacLean's rifle, I took this picture at the beginning of the registration, that is why the tables are so empty around:

Cooper Hawk by Maurice Isnor:

And Cardinals by the same carver:

Three Musketeers by Glen Landry:

Sawhet Owl by Doug Johnson: 

Relief carvings in novice category, all these were done by Lois Couillard:

And more caricature carvings by Glen Landry:

As usual the KV supply from New Brunswick had a lot of items for sale from wooden blanks over tools to books and magazines. It is always a great opportunity to get anything needed in person and it is especially good for people who want to take up wood carving as one can find many carvers around who are willing to give a good advice on what to buy:

This small wall hanging named ''Arrow Cottage'' was a piece I donated for the silent auction,
I believe it made somebody happy: 
